Practical Training I

Practical Training I, PTI consists a compulsory course of the 6th semester of the Curriculum of the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, NTUA. PT I is conducted in the summer period, following the completion of the 6th semester, and has an average duration of 10 calendar days.

During Practical Training I groups of twenty students visit a number, 6-7, mining and metallurgical sites based on a detailed plan prepared by the Scientific Coordinator. These industrial facilities mainly located at the Greek periphery include activities related to the thematic areas of the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering curriculum, e.g. Mines, Quarries, Metallurgical Plants, Metal Recycling Plants etc.

Following the completion of Practical Training I, the students prepare a Technical Report where one of the industrial sites visited is presented. In this report main features of the company are given including location, process facilities, main products, economic data, environmental performance etc. The Report is submitted and evaluated by the Scientific Coordinator of PTI.