Postgraduate Studies

The School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering offers, apart from the postgraduate studies that lead to the Engineering Diploma, the following postgraduate studies:

“Doctoral Degree” (Doctor – Engineer of NTUA / PhD). Under this programme students conduct research that ultimately lead to an original and significant contribution in sciences and technology. In order to be admitted to the Doctoral Degree program a Master’s Degree is required.

Interdisciplinary Postgraduate studies, organized in the frame of several Schools of NTUA or jointly with other universities, which lead to the award of a “Postgraduate Degree of Specialization”, equivalent by law to a Master’s degree – MSc. Students acquire this degree after one or two academic years, during which they follow specific courses and prepare a relevant thesis. Currently the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering is participating in the following Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Programmes: