Research Acivities

The advancement of scientific research in our country is closely linked to the contribution of the School of Mining Engineering and Metallurgy. The scientific training of our graduate engineers and the research activities of our School members have yielded practical results in both science and production.

In our School Basic and Applied Research covers a broad scientific range: the exploration and description of minerals, the production and exploitation of mineral and energy resources, the development of materials of advanced properties and applications, the utilization of the classic mining and metallurgical science and technology for the resolution of problems and requirements of modern societies as well as environmental management. Our School is particularly sensitized to environmental issues.

The School comprises twelve (12) Laboratories, which are equipped with up-to-date technological equipment. The research groups consist of high-level scientific and technical personnel. Labs are used by both undergraduate and postgraduate students. The latter use them for their research activities while writing their doctoral thesis.

The activities of the Laboratories are funded by European and National Research programs. This promotes close collaboration with other Universities and Research centers as well as the public and private sector in Greece and abroad.

In order to cope with increasing demands in the fields of research, our Laboratories have high technological equipment and competent staff.