Practical Training II, (PTII) / Internship consists a compulsory course of the 8th semester of the Curriculum of the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, NTUA\.
PT II is conducted in the period July – September, following the completion of the 8th semester, and lasts one calendar month. The scope of the Practical Training II is to link the students university education with their future professional environment. This training process encourages the students to apply in practice the theoretical knowledge acquired during their studies. Moreover, the hosting companies have the opportunity to enhance the knowledge and the skills of the graduate students potentially consisting their future associates.
The Subject and Plan of the students’ Internship is defined by the Supervising Professor in cooperation with the Supervisor engineer from the hosting company. The Supervising Professors are assigned by the Scientific Coordinator of the Practical Training II according to the specific subject of the PT.
Following the completion of the Practical Training, the students prepare a Technical Report where their activities and the special subject on which they focused during their training are presented. The Report is submitted and evaluated by the Supervising Professor or other Academic of the SMMM with relevant expertise.