Stresses, Normal and Shear Stresses, The Tensor of Stresses. Plane Stress State. Equilibrium equations. Rotated Axes. Principal Axes and Principal Stresses. Mohr’s Circle. Strains, Normal and Shear Strains, Deformation Analysis. Plane Strain State. Principal Strains. Bulk Modulus. Generalized Hook’s Law.
Axial Loads, Statically Determinate and Indeterminate Frameworks. Moments of Inertia, The Tensor of Moments of Inertia, Principle Axes of Moments of Inertia. Torsion of Cylindrical Beams, Elastic and Elastoplastic Behaviour. Pure Bending of elastic beams with symmetric cross section. Eccentric Axial Loading, Neutral Axis, Core of a cross Section. Elastic curve. Castiglianos’ Theorem. Shear Stresses in Beams. Shear Stresses in beams of Thin-walled Cross Sections. Shear Centre of Thin-walled Open Sections. Failure Criteria of Materials.