The course presents theoretical concepts and practical approaches to the effects of the mineral resources industry (mining – metallurgy), the major geotechnical projects and the materials industry. The main categories of impacts are analyzed, the available technologies for the protection of the environment are described as well as the conditions for management, treatment and disposal of the gaseous, liquid and solid waste of this activity.
The understanding of the concepts is realized through the presentation and analysis of specific case studies.
Α. Impact of mining activity on the environment
- Introduction – Mining activity and environment: Historical background, The current relationship between mining activity and environment. International trends.
- Description and treatment of environmental problems of quarries (industrial minerals and aggregates). Impact on the landscape – Noise – Dust. Case study.
- Description and treatment of environmental problems of marble exploitation. Waste from mining and quarrying. Case study.
- Description and treatment of environmental problems of other ore exploitation types (mixed sulfides, etc.). The acid mine drainage. Case study.
- Description and treatment of environmental problems of lignite exploitation. The restoration of the mining areas. Case study.
- Mining activity and sustainable development in Greece. Perspectives.
B. The importance of environmental protection in metallurgy and materials technology.
The course provides insight on the theoretical aspects and available technologies related to the protection of the environment from the mining and metallurgical activities as well as on the prevailing legislation and methods for management, treatment and disposal of the gaseous, liquid and solid waste resulting from those activities. It includes:
- Air pollution – Control of gaseous emissions: Introductory concepts, relevant legislation, main gaseous emissions in Metallurgy and Materials Technology (dust, SO2, fluorides and chlorides, etc.), Flue gas control technologies (gravitation chamber, cyclons, bag filters, electrostatic precipitators, venture, etc).
- Wastewater treatment: Introductory concepts, sources of pollution, legislation treatment technologies, prediction – prevention – treatment of Acid Mine Drainage, case studies)
- Solid waste: Categories of solid waste, Legislation for the management of solid industrial waste and in particular mining and metallurgical waste, Environmental classification of solid waste (physicochemical parameters, laboratory tests), Classification of non-toxic Configuration of solid waste landfills (bottom sealing, covers), Landfill failures, Stabilization and environmental remediation techniques.
- Environmental protection applications in metallurgy and materials technology