This course deepens into geodynamics and geotectonics. The students will learn about the dynamical processes that govern the lithosphere, shape the structure of the crust at all scales, as well as create suitable geological conditions for mineral exploration, by drawing parallels from the Hellenic orogen/arc. Specifically, the course aims at acquainting students with concepts such as:
- Developments in Geotectonics. Plate tectonics. Parallels from the Hellenic arc
- The mechanics of the lithosphere (stress, strain, deformation, isostasy).
- Fault mechanics. Folding of the crust
- Heat transfer
- Mountain building and basin formation. Parallels from the Hellenic arc
- Tectonic controls on the formation of ore and hydrocarbon deposits, geothermal reservoirs and aquifers. Parallels from the Hellenic orogen
- Tectonostratigraphic fields (terranes). Parallels from the Hellenic orogen
- Neotectonic structure of Greece
- Numerical methods in geodynamics and tectonics