The scope of the course is the exposure of the students with the basic Environmental Policies and legal framework prevailing the Sustainable Development, SD, of Mineral Raw Materials, (MRM) IN Greece, EU and Internationally. Taking into account the continuously increasing needs of EU in MRM combined with the limits set by the prevailing environmental legislation and the requirements for the improvement of the acceptance of the sector by the wider society the structure of the course comprise the following sections:
- European Policies
- European and Greek Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Mineral Raw Materials – Contribution of the RM sector in the Economy and Employment
- European Innovation
- Circular Economy
- Green Deal
- Strategies to Combat Climate Change
- Sustainable Development Principles-Applications in the MRM Life Cycle- SDIs
- Environmental Permitting Legislation- Environmental Impact Assessment in the Life Cycle of MRMs –Drafting of Environmental Impact Studies- Best Available Techniques in MRM – Environmental Permitting- Environmental Management
- Social License to Operate- Stake Holders Definition- Public Consultation—Cooperation of the Mining Industry with Stake holder