Enviromental and Νatural Resources Management

  • Environment, natural resources, economy and society: the economic view of the environment in the light of neoclassical economics, externalities, property rights.
  • Regulatory and economic instruments of environmental policies: optimal level of pollution, command-and-control policies, market-based policies: taxes, subsidies, pollution permits, etc.
  • Optimal use of renewable and exhaustible resources: basic analysis of optimal use of exhaustible natural resources (Hotelling rule), general model of exploitation of a renewable resource
  • Economic valuation of environmental goods and services: use and non-use values, stated preference valuation methods, revealed preference valuation methods, applications.
  • Single-criterion decision-making: Basic Principles, Definitions, Advantages-Disadvantages, Pareto Optimization, Hicks-Kaldor Criterion, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.
  • Multi-criteria decision making: Basic principles, Applications of Multi-criteria methods, Estimation of Weights, Multi-criteria methods, Weighted summation, Analytical Hierarchy.
  • Participatory decision making: Stakeholder Analysis, use of communication tools and methods, use of financial tools (e.g. “low bid” and “high bid” auctions).
  • Risk Analysis: Basic Principles, Semi-Quantitative and Quantitative methods, Fuzzy Data Management, Use of stochastic analysis with Monte Carlo simulation.