Processing and Utilisation of Industrial Minerals

The scope of the course is the studying of basic chemical methodologies that used for the processing and the valorization of industrial minerals and, as well as, the examination of various applications of industrial minerals and the description of complex materials with advances physicochemical properties.
1. Classification of industrial minerals
2. Fundamental principles of industrial minerals processing
3. Processing of industrial minerals and respective required installations
– Physical processes
– Chemical processes
– Thermal processes
4. Physicochemical properties and characterization of industrial minerals and end-products
5. Application of industrial minerals and their products in the following sectors of the industry
– Building and structural materials
– Insulation materials
– Drilling materials with applications in the petroleum industry
– Adsorbents and filler materials
– Fire-protection materials
– Materials used for environmental purposes such as the decontamination of soils by solid and liquid residues
– Soil conditioner materials
6. Flow sheet diagrams of industrial minerals processing
– Analysis of basic flow sheet diagrams
– Design of new flow sheet diagrams for the production of end-products with advanced physicochemical properties
7. Processing of industrial minerals of specific interest for the Greek industry
– perlite
– bentonite
– zeolites
– magnesite
– attapulgite
8. Analysis and techno economic design, using flow sheets, of the production of products with improved physicochemical properties