Assistant Professor
Scientific Field: Biotechnological processes for removal – recovery of metals from wastes
School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering
Iroon Polytechniou 9 str., GR15773 Zografou Campus, Athens, Greece
Office 0.17
+30 210 772 2271
Publications in Journals
- Remoundaki, E., Vasileiou, E., Philippou, A., Perraki, M., Kousi, P., Hatzikioseyian, A. & Stamatis, G. (2016). Groundwater Deterioration: The Simultaneous Effects of Intense Agricultural Activity and Heavy Metals in Soil. Procedia Engineering 162: 545-552.
- Mantas, E., Remoundaki, E., Halari, I., Kassomenos, P., Theodosi, C., Hatzikioseyian, A. & Mihalopoulos, N. (2014). Mass closure and source apportionment of PM2.5 by Positive Matrix Factorization analysis in urban Mediterranean environment. Atmospheric Environment 94(0): 154-163.
- Kousi, P., Remoundaki, E., Hatzikioseyian, A., Battaglia-Brunet, F., Joulian, C., Kousteni, V. & Tsezos, M. (2011). Metal precipitation in an ethanol-fed, fixed-bed sulphate-reducing bioreactor. J Hazard Mater 189(3): 677-84.
- Remoundaki, E., Vidali, R., Kousi, P., Hatzikioseyian, A. & Tsezos, M. (2009). Photolytic and photocatalytic alterations of humic substances in UV (254 nm) and Solar Cocentric Parabolic Concentrator (CPC) reactors. Desalination 248(1-3): 843-851.
- Remoundaki, E., Kousi, P., Joulian, C., Battaglia-Brunet, F., Hatzikioseyian, A. & Tsezos, M. (2008). Characterization, morphology and composition of biofilm and precipitates from a sulphate-reducing fixed-bed reactor. J Hazard Mater 153(1-2): 514-24.
- Remoundaki, E., Hatzikioseyian, A. & Tsezos, M. (2007). A systematic study of chromium solubility in the presence of organic matter: Consequences for the treatment of chromium-containing wastewater. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 82(9): 802-808.
- Hatzikioseyian, A. & Tsezos, M. (2006). Modelling of microbial metabolism stoichiometry: Application in bioleaching processes. Hydrometallurgy 83(1-4): 29-34.
- Remoudaki, E., Hatzikioseyian, A., Kousi, P. & Tsezos, M. (2003). The mechanism of metals precipitation by biologically generated alkalinity in biofilm reactors. Water Res 37(16): 3843-54.
- Hatzikioseyian, A., Tsezos, M. & Mavituna, F. (2001). Application of simplified rapid equilibrium models in simulating experimental breakthrough curves from fixed bed biosorption reactors. Hydrometallurgy 59(2-3): 395-406.
Conf. Publications
- Kousi, P., Remoundaki, E., Hatzikioseyian, A. & Tsezos, M. (2015). Sulphate-reducing bioreactors: current practices and perspectives. in: e-Proceedings of the IWA Balkan Young Water Professionals, Thessaloniki, Greece 2015. Hellenic Water Association - Centre for Research and Technology: pp. 409-417.
- Hatzikioseyian, A., Kousi, P., Remoundaki, E. & Tsezos, M. (2015). Dynamic Modelling of Biofilm Reactors with Immobilised Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria. Advanced Materials Research 1130: 539-542.
- Kousi, P., Remoundaki, E., Hatzikioseyian, A. & Tsezos, M. (2014). Simultaneous carbon and sulphur substrates removal by Desulfobacter postgatei dominated biofilms in anaerobic packed reactors. in: Kalavrouziotis, I.K. & Angelakis, A.N. (Eds.), e-Proceedings of the IWA Regional Symposium on Water, Wastewater and Environment: Traditions and Culture, Patras, Greece. Hellenic Open University 2014: pp. 997-990.
- Kousi, P., Remoundaki, E., Hatzikioseyian, A. & Tsezos, M. (2011). Sulphate-reducing fixed-bed bioreactors fed with different organic substrates for metal precipitation. in: Qiu, G., Jiang, T., Qin, W., Liu, X., Yang, Y. & Wang, H. (Eds.), Biohydrometallurgy: Biotech key to unlock mineral resources value, Proceedings of the 19th International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium (IBS 2011), Changsha, China. Central South University Press: pp. 1078-1084.
- Kousi, P., Remoundaki, E., Hatzikioseyian, A. & Tsezos, M. (2009). Precipitation of metals in a fixed-bed sulphate-reducing reactor under theoretical stoichiometric lactate/sulphate ratio. in: Agioutantis, Z. & Komnitsas, K. (Eds.), Towards sustainable development: Assessing the footprint of resource utilization and hazardous waste management, Proceedings of the 3rd AMIREG International Conference, Athens, Greece. pp. 237-242.
- Remoundaki, E., Vidali, R., Kousi, P., Hatzikioseyian, A. & Tsezos, M. (2008). Photolytic and photocatalytic alterations of humic substances in UV (254 nm) and Solar Cocentric Parabolic Concentrator (CPC) reactors. in: PRE9: Protection and Restoration of the Environment, Kefalonia, Greece.
- Remoudaki, E., Hatzikioseyian, A. & Tsezos, M. (2007). Metabolically mediated metal immobilization processes for bioremediation. in: Anastassakis, G. (Ed.) Balkan Mineral Processing Conference, Delfi, Greece. National Technical University of Athens (NTUA): pp. 481-486.
- Kousi, P., Remoudaki, E., Hatzikioseyian, A. & Tsezos, M. (2007). A study of the operating parameters of a sulphate-reducing fixed-bed reactor for the treatment of metal-bearing wastewater. in: Schippers, A., Sand, W., Glombitza, F. & Willscher, S. (Eds.), Biohydrometallurgy: From the Single Cell to the Environment, Proceedings of the International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium IBS 2007, Munich, Germany. Trans Tech Publications Ltd.: pp. 230-234.
- Hatzikioseyian, A. & Tsezos, M. (2005). Modelling of Microbial Metabolism Stoichiometry: Application in Bioleaching Processes. in: Harrison, S.T.L., Rawlings, D.E. & Petersen, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium (IBS 2005), Cape Town, Republic of South Africa. pp. 3-10.
- Remoundaki, E., Xirokostas, N. & Hatzikioseyian, A. (2003). Ionic composition of wet deposition by ion chromatography and the results obtained in an international intercomparison test. in: Instrumental Methods of Analysis - Modern Trends and Applications, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference IMA 2003, Thessaloniki, Greece. pp. 662-665.
- Remoundaki, E., Hatzikioseyian, A., Kaltsa, F. & Tsezos, M. (2003). The role of metal-organic complexes in the treatment of chromium containing effluents in biological reactors. in: Tsezos, M., Remoudaki, E. & Hatzikioseyian, A. (Eds.), Biohydrometallurgy: a sustainable technology in evolution, Proceedings of the International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium IBS 2003, Athens, Greece. National Technical University of Athens (NTUA): pp. 711-718.
- Hatzikioseyian, A., Remoundaki, E. & Tsezos, M. (2001). Biosorption and biological reduction of chromium by microbial biomass in batch and pilot scale rotating biological contactor (RBC) in: Ciminelli, V.S.T. & Garcia Jr., O. (Eds.), Biohydrometallurgy: Fundamentals, Technology and Sustainable Development, Proceedings of the International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium IBS 2001, Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Elsevier: pp. 265-277.
- Remoundaki, E., Tsezos, M., Hatzikioseyian, A. & Karakoussis, V. (1999). Mechanism of palladium biosorption by microbial biomass. The effects of metal ionic speciation and solution co-ions. in: Amils, R. & Ballester, A. (Eds.), Biohydrometallurgy and the Environment toward the Mining of the 21st century, Proceedings of the International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium IBS 1999, Madrid, Spain. Elsevier: pp. 449-462.
- Hatzikioseyian, A., Mavituna, F. & Tsezos, M. (1999). Modelling of fixed bed biosorption columns in continuous metal ion removal processes. The case of single solute local equilibrium. in: Amils, R. & Ballester, A. (Eds.), Biohydrometallurgy and the Environment toward the Mining of the 21st century, Proceedings of the International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium IBS 1999, Madrid, Spain. Elsevier: pp. 429-448.
- Tsezos, M., Remoundaki, E. & Hatzikioseyian, A. (1998). Emerging biotechnology applications in large scale treatment of metals bearing waste waters. in: Pasamehmetoglu, A.G. & Ozgenoglu, A. (Eds.), Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium SWEMP'98, Ankara, Turkey. A. Balkema: pp. 665-671.